Official Imperial RP | Server Rules

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Management Team
Jun 7, 2019
Server Rules
Last edited: 8th December 2021

1. Try to stick to roleplay as much as you can, but please don't interrupt anyone else's RP

2. Please don't metagame! (using information you don't know in-character)

3. Don't break NLR (dying and then continuing from the point you left off)

4. Stay away from random PvP combat (RDM/MDRM) unless you have permission or if you were randomly attacked

5. Don't disrespect each other or discriminate please

6. Do not hack, cheat or exploit bugs/glitches on the server

7. Do not argue with a staff member, if you feel you were unjustly treated then message me or a member of the management team @

8. Don't player pull/advertise other servers or products

Some extra things
- Try to be honest with staff members, it won't help your case if you lie.
- Staff have the final say in any situation, even if something is not explicitly written in the rules.
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